I Wanted to be There

September 6 My family was supposed to be in Nashville last week, taking part in the Getty Sing! conference. We were supposed to be in the pews of the Ryman Auditorium, drinking in Andrew Peterson’s Behold the Lamb of God concert and worshiping Jesus with people of different tongues and nations. Instead, we watched it … Continue reading I Wanted to be There

My Very Favorite Writing Resources

August 16 The start of a schoolyear has always been my favorite time to readjust old writing habits and invest in something that will sharpen me. I've taken classes, joined communities, read books, and attended seminars. But there are two writing resources I come back to again and again. These classes and communities have sharpened … Continue reading My Very Favorite Writing Resources

Jesus’ Anger Gathers and Glorifies

July 12 “God intends for the whole world to be able to praise him. He intends for Zion to set an example of faithfulness for the rest of the world. Zion cannot do this when evil persons corrupt others.”[i] Bleating sheep and bellowing salesmen swarmed the temple. But really? God's house was empty. In the … Continue reading Jesus’ Anger Gathers and Glorifies

Jesus’ Anger Restores

July 5 Angry, Cain slaughtered his brother (Gen. 4:8). Furious, Herod killed every Bethlehemite boy (Matt. 2:16). Filled with resentment, Hitler obliterated six million Jews.[i] When hatred fuels anger, it sheds blood and sets fire. It’s a Boeing aircraft in the side of a burning, crumbling World Trade Center. It destroys. And it doesn’t have … Continue reading Jesus’ Anger Restores

Jesus’ Anger Makes Room

June 28 Note: This is the second post in a mini-series on Jesus’s righteous anger, and how we can respond to evil like him. Holding my brother’s hand was the very last thing I wanted to do when I was angry at him. But as eight- and ten-year-olds, that was our punishment for fighting. My anger … Continue reading Jesus’ Anger Makes Room