Pray Like a Little Child

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April 22

Pray Like a Little Child

As I read through Paul Miller’s book, A Praying Life, I see a common theme reiterated: Pray like a child. Children come to their parents messy, needy, and honest.

Miller writes:

Don’t try to get prayer right; just tell God where you are and what’s on your mind. That’s what little children do. They come as they are, runny noses and all. Like the disciples, they just say what is on their minds.[1]

The truth is, we don’t have life figured out. We aren’t independent and invincible as our culture may portray. We are ragged children playing in the dirt. Children who cry out. Children who weep. Children who desperately need their Daddy.

And this Daddy delights in welcoming messy, broken hearts.[2]

Thank you for reading,

Bethany J.



[1] Paul E. Miller, A Praying Life, (NavPress, The Navigators; 2009, 2017; Colorado Springs, CO), 20

[2] Ibid., 187

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