Sehnsucht: My New Blog Playlist


April 19

I’ve spent February, March, and April getting to know C. S. Lewis through his works. From Surprised by Joy to The Magician’s Nephew to The Weight of Glory to The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Lewis has stirred something inside me.

There’s a German word he used—sehnsucht—to describe his inconsolable ache for something beyond this world.

I’ve felt shivers of it, too.

So have you.

That’s because eternity was stamped onto our hearts when God made us (Ecc. 3:11). An ache for something more burns in our bones.

We long for Jesus to come again and make all things new, like he promised (Rev. 21:5). The Kingdom will come, is coming, is partly here.

So we wait, and we let the embers of sehnsucht warm us.

I’ve created a playlist to stir those embers.

These are eternity-focused songs by eternity-minded artists, compiled exclusively for you, blog follower and friend.

Find  s e h n s u c h t  here on Spotify.

“Surely, I am coming soon” (Rev. 22:20).

2020-04-14 (1)

6 thoughts on “Sehnsucht: My New Blog Playlist

  1. After reading your posts the past three months regarding C.S. Lewis, it has made me want to get more into his books (I have only read “The Chronicles of Narnia). My library has it set up to where you can borrow books digitally (E-books) and I saw that they have a lot of his books. I hope to read them soon! Oh, and I cannot wait to check out the playlist!

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  2. Thank you for this, Bethany. I find it really interesting that upon a quick Google search of this word, it looks like the yearning, the longing, which lacks the hope of achieving it. I know that’s not what Lewis meant, though. For we have hope in Christ – the confident expectation of what we know will come to pass. And those moments of sehnsucht, agh they are beautiful, when my eyesight can see a little more through the glass, when I get a glimpse out of this dusty moment to see eternity and I ache for it. It’s been real lately – often the hardest times bring the sweetest times of truth as the roots search down deep. The playlist is gold.

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    1. “those moments of sehnsucht, agh they are beautiful, when my eyesight can see a little more through the glass, when i get a glimpse out of this dusty moment to see eternity and i ache for it.” yesss. thank you, clara, for sharing this.

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